Special Investment Regimes

Colon Free Zone

Decree Law 18 of 1948 amended by Law 7 of 2016 "Reorganizes the Colon Free Zone and dictates other provisions."

Ciudad del Saber

Decree Law 6 of 1998 approving the contract between the state and the City of Knowledge Foundation for the establishment and development of the City of Knowledge

Baru Free Zone

Law 19 of 2001 That creates a special tax and customs regime for a tourist free zone and multimodal logistic support in Barú.

Panama Pacific

Law 41 of 2004 That creates a special regime for the establishment and operation of the Panama-Pacific special economic area, and an autonomous state entity, called the agency of the Panama-Pacific special economic area.


Law 41 of 2007 amended by Law 57 of 2018 That creates the special regime for the establishment and operation of Headquarters of Multinational Companies and the commission of Headquarters of Multinational Companies, and dictates another provision.

Other Free Zones

Establishes a special tax and customs system with a Free Port structure, applicable to the territory of the Province of Colón.

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